Growth Through A Pandemic
We were made to be with others, yet this pandemic is separating us. We were made to thrive, yet we are being stripped of doing just that.
Some people are fearful…others are ignoring the orders… and then there are people who have faith in Jesus and are believing he will use this for good.
When I listen to people, news and social media, (which I try to minimize), my question and concern is… What happens if we go through this new adversity, this pandemic and learn nothing?
What if we don’t grow and become stronger, but instead continue to let fear run our lives… What if we go back to our old normal and put the majority of our time back into our jobs and wants, rather than family and faith… Will we come to realize we don’t need Amazon delivering to our door five times a week… Or will we finally come to terms with the fact that shopping won’t fill the void?
What if we forget how clean our air was, how blue our sky’s were and how bright the stars were at night because there was less pollution, and we go back to abusing nature instead of appreciating her?
What if we forget how hard it was not being with family and friends, how much we missed their hugs and gathering to eat and laugh together… Or how awkward and saddening it was to go to the grocery store and instead of people smiling and saying hi, they stepped away from us?
Let’s not forget how many people were forced to stop working and providing for themselves and their famililes, putting so many in financial distress… Will we appreciate and respect our God given freedom and the freedom so many American soldiers have fought and lost their lives for?
Instead of buying from other countries so much, will we start buying from our own country first, the great USA, and start doing what they suggest on airplanes: “Put your own oxygen mask on first so we’re strong and able to help our neighbor”?
I know my life will be changed. I’m excited to see the positive that God’s going to do with all of this. It’s going to be powerful. Be ready for it.

Transformation EO Blend – Many of the oils in this blend are powerfully energizing and stimulating to the conscious mind, allowing for the support necessary to make changes, especially mental and emotional changes. How to use –Diffuse into the air with a cold air diffuser or apply Topically to forehead, over the heart and on the bottoms of your feet.

Essential Oil Blend