Boundaries = Heathy Relationships
Do you find yourself saying “yes” when you really want or need to say “no”? Then beat yourself up for saying yes or resenting the person for asking you in the first place? I think we all do and it’s part of the reason many of us are overwhelmed.
Setting Boundaries…
I was once asked to co-lead a “Boundaries Class” at my Church. I jumped at the opportunity. I had been searching for an area in the church that I could empower people who had gone through a painful experience. So this was perfect!
I had taken that same class years earlier after leaving a severely abusive relationship. It was an eye-opener for me and I was relieved to hear that the Bible actually tells us to set boundaries. God even set boundaries! I was excited to share this with the members of the class.
Loose the time-suckers, dream-killers and gain respect from the healthy people…
When we first start to set boundaries, some people aren’t going to like the change when you begin saying no. Especially the ones that know you usually buckle when they ask, and you usually say yes!
You might loose some people in your life. Those are probably the ones that take advantage of you and make life harder. Others will actually gain respect for you and you’ll hear things like…”I wish I could say no. I have a really hard time with that.” These are the people that will be watching and learning as you continue to gain confidence in setting boundaries. These will be the healthy relationships.
What? Essential Oils can help with boundaries…
What I came to realize… was sometimes we aren’t capable of setting boundaries because of a past emotional trauma that we need to release.
For me… I had left an abusive relationship. At the time, I hadn’t heard about essential oils so I wasn’t using them. After three years of all kinds of talk-therapy, I thought I was happy. But my body leaned forward while my feet lagged behind. A psychologist pointed out to me that it was a sign that I was holding myself back.
With support from the Young Living essential oil products, I was able to release a lot of intense emotions that were stuck. Once I started using the essential oils along with prayer, it helped clear my head and I felt a closer connection to God. It brings you beyond happy…it brings you inner joy and peace that no one can take away.
By releasing all those locked up emotions, your self-worth and self-confidence come back. Giving you the courage to start putting boundaries in place, and have the courage to keep them in place.
“The Art of Saying No”…
Research from the University of California in San Francisco shows that the more difficulty you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression (three things that hinder your emotional intelligence). Yes, it can be a challenge, but the more you practice it, the easier it gets.
I’ve gotten really comfortable with just politely saying no. Some tell me they wish they could do that and others try to convince me to do what they want. But I’m feeling so proud of myself that I just smile and say; “thank you for asking, but no.”
If they don’t respect your boundaries, you need to keep your distance from them and lessen the time you spend with them. Your goal is to have healthy relationships.
How are you doing…
Are you setting boundaries? Have you ever thought of how much simpler and less stressful your life would be if you got better at it? Believe me, it’s worth the time and effort. There is nothing as wonderful as inner peace.
Young Living Essential Oil Choice…
Valor -This essential oil blend was specifically formulated to help empower both the physical and spiritual bodies. Helps us overcome fear and opposition and can build courage, confidence and self-esteem. Can also bring a feeling of calmness, peace & relaxation. How to use…Diffuse or apply to bottoms of feet, heart, throat chakra, wrist, neck and thymus.
Trauma Life – Many of the essential oils in this blend are powerfully calming and grounding. Others are spiritually uplifting, helping us see our trials from the proper perspective. How to use… Diffuse or apply to bottoms of the feet, chest, behind the ears, nap of neck or center of the forehead.